How to Import a Page Template Using the Divi Builder

by | Jun 26, 2023

When you purchase a template, it’s a fantastic shortcut to getting your content on your website and in front of people. But it’s important to know how to easily import your template. In this post, I’ll take you step-by-step through adding your page template using the Divi Builder.

How to Import a Page Template Using the Divi Builder (step-by-step)

  1. Log into your WordPress back end, and
  2. Navigate to pages where you’re going to choose Add New
  3. Name your page. In this case, I’m going to call this page the Divi landing demo.
    • Because this is a landing page, I want to change the default template that has my menu and my footer in it. I want to change this to a blank page template, and that will remove the navigational menu and the footer from this page because all we want them to do is take action on that one thing that we want them to do. I’m going to make that change
  4. Then choose use the Divi builder. It will then save a draft and open the builder.
  5. Because this is a page that you’re importing a template for, you’re going to choose build from scratch and choose start building.
  6. Then X out of this first box and click on the circle with the three white dots in it at the bottom, which will open the builder menu.
  7. Then you’re going to click on the purple circle with the up and down arrows, which is Portability, which is what allows you to export or import.
  8. Click Import, then we’re going to choose a file.
    • I’m looking for my opt in page template because this is the version I’m going to use as an example.
  9. Click Open and then choose to replace the existing content.
    • This isn’t a big deal because there’s nothing on here except that first block, but you want it to replace everything that’s already there.
    • If you are replacing a page versus starting from scratch, you might choose to also download a backup before you import.
  10. Next, click import the Divi builder layout. Now, this can go really quickly or it can take a couple of minutes.
  11. Now you can edit everything from the call-out banner to the headline and the placeholder text and replace the images. You can also take out anything in here that is not relevant to your landing page.
  12. Then what you want to do is click Save Draft if you’re not ready for it to be published, or click Publish so that it’s ready and available.
  13. Then click exit Visual Builder at the top.

That is how you import a page layout with the Divi builder.


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